Repairing Cracks In Your Wood Garage Door In Just 3 Easy Steps

Extreme weather, old age, or direct impact can all cause small cracks and holes in your wood garage door. While this minor damage may not interfere with the function of your door right away, it can impact the appearance of your door and ultimately make the door more susceptible to additional damage in the future. Thankfully, repairing this type of damage is a relatively easy process that most homeowners can complete on their own. In order to complete these repairs on your wood garage door, simply follow the three easy steps outlined below.

Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin the repair process, you will need to gather just a few basic supplies. These supplies include:

  • fine grit sandpaper
  • sanding block
  • rotary tool
  • putty knife (make sure to choose an appropriate size for the damage you will be repairing)
  • wood putty
  • clean cloth
  • mineral salts
  • paintbrush
  • exterior finishing product of your choice (wood stain or paint)

Step 1: Cleaning The Door

Dirt, damaged wood, and other debris may have settled in or around the cracks that you will be repairing. In order to prevent this debris from interfering with the strength of your repairs, you will need to ensure that the area is thoroughly cleaned before any repairs can begin.

In order to remove debris from inside each crack, simply reach deep into the crack with a rotary tool and then gently sand away any damaged wood or other debris that may be inside. Next, use your sanding block to carefully sand the area surrounding the crack. Be sure not to apply too much pressure during this process so that no additional damage is done to the wood.

Finally, wet a clean cloth with mineral spirits and use this cloth to wipe away any saw dust or debris that is left behind. Allow ample time for the door to dry and then move on to the next step.

Step 2: Repairing The Door

Using your putty knife, fill each crack or hole with wood putty, paying special attention to the corners of the crack to ensure they are completely filled. Once the crack is filled in completely, use the edge of your putty knife to smooth out the top of the repair patch and remove any excess putty.

You will need to allow the putty to dry completely before moving on to the next step. Depending on the brand of putty you choose to purchase, this drying process can take anywhere from several hours to a full day.

Step 3: Restoring The Door

Now that your door has been repaired, it is time to restore the overall look of your door. Begin by sanding the repair patch lightly to ensure it is completely smooth and even with the surrounding surface. Then apply a fresh coat of wood stain or paint to the recently repaired area in order to blend the repairs in with the rest of the garage door finish.

Just A Reminder

This repair process is designed to help you repair minor cosmetic damage to your wood garage door. However, this process may not be suitable for dealing with more severe damage, such as rotting wood or large gouges in your door, as this type of damage can interfere with the structural integrity of your garage door. When dealing with this type of severe damage, it is always best to seek out the services of a qualified garage door repair contractor in order to determine whether or not the door can safely be repaired or if it must be replaced.
