How Do You Know When Your Garage Door Needs To Be Replaced?

In most homes, the garage door is used daily since it is where the vehicles are parked. A bit of close observation can go a long way if you notice something just doesn't look right with your garage door or how it is operating. The question is – how do you know when it is time to have your garage door replaced? The Door Won't Open or Close Check the connection between the control panel and the door. Read More 

Securing The Windows In Your Garage Door

Authorities in Edmonton estimate that there are an average of eight home invasions each month. Many would-be burglars gain entry to a property through the garage door, and windows can provide an easy access point into your home. If your garage door features windows, here are three simple things you can do to secure these windows against home invasions in the future. 1. Add privacy film to your garage door windows. Read More