In most homes, the garage door is used daily since it is where the vehicles are parked. A bit of close observation can go a long way if you notice something just doesn't look right with your garage door or how it is operating. The question is – how do you know when it is time to have your garage door replaced?
The Door Won't Open or Close
Check the connection between the control panel and the door.
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Authorities in Edmonton estimate that there are an average of eight home invasions each month. Many would-be burglars gain entry to a property through the garage door, and windows can provide an easy access point into your home.
If your garage door features windows, here are three simple things you can do to secure these windows against home invasions in the future.
1. Add privacy film to your garage door windows.
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Has your garage door stopped opening and you have no clue how to fix the problem? You may have an easily repaired problem with the sensors, or the door may simply be old and damaged. Find out below how a garage door can stop opening, as well as what a professional can do about it.
What Can Lead to a Garage Door Not Opening?
The only way for the sensors to work is for them to be able to communicate with each other, as there is one near the bottom of both sides of the garage door.
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If you accidentally back your vehicle into your wooden garage door while it is closed, you will not be able to open it until you make necessary repair. If you had hit your brakes upon impact, you may not have much damage, allowing you to make the repairs yourself.
Larger hits that involve large holes or pieces falling off of the door would need to be fixed by a garage door repair service like Calgary Overhead Doors LTD.
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Extreme weather, old age, or direct impact can all cause small cracks and holes in your wood garage door. While this minor damage may not interfere with the function of your door right away, it can impact the appearance of your door and ultimately make the door more susceptible to additional damage in the future. Thankfully, repairing this type of damage is a relatively easy process that most homeowners can complete on their own.
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